IDS (Information Disclosure Statement) preparation and filing can quickly become a costly drain on precious resources if not managed efficiently.

Teak’s professionals will take away the burden by managing the process for you. Our services include IDS preparation, docket monitoring, cross-referencing foreign references, and cross-checking references in related families. Our team will customize a strategy for your internal IDS preparation requirements and cross citing.

Our team is an extension of yours, identifying improvements in the processes and systems to achieve better results, and our blended delivery model allows round-the-clock support.

Teak will tailor our services to your needs. No matter what systems you use, we will hit the ground running with seamless, hassle-free integration.

Our experts combine industry-leading software and proprietary tools with our team’s expert IP knowledge to ensure a flexible, high-quality IDS service that reduces risk, conserves resources, and saves time.